MAXINE BILLINGS, Photographer & Author

Fine Art Photography Inspired By Natural Creation & Wholesome Reading For Your Family's Entertainment



ELDERLY COUPLEGetting older is no joke!  Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 describe the wintertime of life in symbolic language–the trembling of arms and hands, the bending of legs, the dimming of eyesight, and so on.  Do these things sound depressing?  Well, depending on our attitude, they can be.

I decided to write this post because everyday since I retired last November some part of my body reminds me that I am not the spring chicken I used to be :).  Today, it’s a painful, sore, and swollen right ankle.  I soak it.  I rub it.  I put a warm compress on it.  I wear compression stockings.  Sometimes, these things help, but not today.  And who knows how it will be tomorrow or what else may be bothering me?

I recall when I was younger how Mama used to tell my siblings and me that just because certain things we did then did not bother us that we thought they would not cause us pain later in life.  Now, I finally understand what she meant.  When we’re young, we think that our youthful vitality will never diminish.  But before we realize what’s happening, the wintertime of life is upon us.  Personally, it has been extremely difficult for me to acknowledge that parts of me are falling apart.  But I’m learning to accept that I now need extra help in order for my body to heal from certain illnesses and discomforts of aging.  No, I am no longer in mint condition.  I am an older model vehicle (a classic–or perhaps antique is a better term 🙂 ) who needs more than the usual routine maintenance :).

One of my favorite Internet sites to go to when I’m doing research on health topics is the Mayo Clinic because it has information that is helpful and very easy to understand.  As their site points out, the aging process affects our bodies in various ways.  I have listed some below.


Something else that the site reminds us of that I appreciate is this:  While we can’t stop the aging process, we might be able to minimize its impact by making healthy choices.  That is an excellent idea because God blessed us with our wonderfully-made bodies, and it is up to each one of us as individuals to do what we can to cherish and take care of them.

I hope you had an awesome day!  As always, this is from my heart to yours.


(Photo of Elderly Couple–Courtesy of Clip Art)




  1. I must be hitting that wintertime early. I totally relate but I think one bad decision physically affected my central nervous system and is sending my body in a downward spiral at an early age. I wake up wondering what is going to be my problem child today and what is going to behave. Every day is a new combo of aches & pains & very rarely does everyone behave at the same time. Even if they start out that way someone eventually gets out of line. 🙂 So I try to slow down the process by eating right and not overdoing it when I feel well enough to do things. Acceptance & adjustment is key for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You and I sound like two peas in a pod! 🙂 I can totally relate to what you said. Oh, yes, acceptance and adjustment are so key. I’m still working on the eating right part :). I have learned to slow down though and take things moment by moment.

    Thanks again for sharing your insightful comments! Take care!


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